Gelatinised maca has nothing to do with gelling, although the name might suggest it. “Gelatinised” rather refers to a technical term and indicates the size of starch molecules (gelatinised index). Maca that is processed into powder using this special mechanical process is characterised by the following properties:
- easily absorbed by the human body;
- good solubility in milk and water;
- intense flavour and smell.
What happens during gelatinisation?
The collected maca roots are first dried in the sun for approximately 30 days and then sorted according to size and colour.
After a thorough cleaning with water, the maca roots are cut into small pieces and pressed through a twin-screw extruder. This process splits and shortens the starch chains – maca consists of about 60 per cent carbohydrates – and is called gelatinisation. The small maca pellets resulting from extrusion are again dried at a low temperature (< 50 °C) and then ground.
The result is a clean, 100 per cent pure maca powder that is natural and contains no additives.
So, gelatinisation is an entirely mechanical process, which maintains the primary and secondary metabolites and requires no chemicals.
Order today and receive your maca promptly. We are happy to assist you at 0228 976396-0 and sales@drbehr.com.